To which I say, aloha. During tough times like these, humanity could benefit from this ancient Hawaiian philosophy. Now, most mainland Americans think "aloha" means "hello," "goodbye," or ...
Regis Princeville Resort, lies a hidden piece of ancient Hawaiian history — the remnants of a 600-year-old fishpond. The kuapa rock wall, now mostly buried by sand and thick ...
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Ka‘anapali Beach Hotel photo Ka’anapali Beach Hotel recently unveiled a new schedule of daily land and water cultural activities that celebrate ancient Hawaiian practices. The lineup is kaula ...
The Hawaiian Islands were once known for their simplicity, their stretches of greenery broken up only by scatterings of volcanic rock or towering sea cliffs. Today, commerce and neighborhoods cut ...
John explained the History of Konane ... ‘Ike loa ~ To See Much and Keep Learning. Ancient Hawaiians regarded Kōnane as more than just a game. The strategic and analytical skills required ...
While strolling on a beach in Maui over the weekend before Christmas, admiring the massive waves that were pounding the coast – the same ones that were fueling the iconic Eddie Aikau Big Wave ...
Still, its origins weave a fascinating history which include Poynesian ... making it a staple in ancient Hawaii. Hawaiians had developed over 250 varieties of sweet potato- uala in Hawaiian ...