"Innocent Bystanders or the Forgotten Actors? The Role of Parties and Candidates in Building Electoral Campaign Momentum" ...
Election campaigns often put significant effort into persuading voters that their candidate(s) could win. But does such campaigning really change people’s expectations of who might win? And even if it ...
Lib Dems take Shirley Ward in Southampton off Labour from third place in dramatic council by-election victory.
Each row shows the net gains or losses for that party, broken down by where those gains/losses have come from. Each cell shows the net gains/losses, followed by in brackets the total number of gains ...
Here’s my coverage of all the local council by-election results in Britain, updated each week as the results come in. You can track the running tally of seats changing hands in my scorecard here. I ...
Four principal authority council by-elections this week and a full slate of Liberal Democrat candidates. That is particularly ...
New party member data from Tim Bale, Paul Webb and Stavroula Chrona throws light on how many party members do what.
Welcome to my summary of the latest national voting intention polls for the next general election, along with party leadership ratings. If you’d like to find out more about how polls work, how ...
First, how big a deadweight the legacy of their time in office is for the future prospects of the Conservative Party. There ...
Welcome to the 129th edition of The Week in Polls (TWIP), which returns to the Conservative Party’s leadership contest and what the polls tell us about members and the public. Find out more by reading ...
Some striking figures from More in Common about how many Labour voters now regret their general election vote.
A big bundle of principal authority council by-elections this week, split over two days with contests on both Tuesday and ...