Steam, which has an online catalog of more than 100,000 games and is used by around 130 million users around the world, ...
"I think part will be declassified, and the other part will be present to the leaders of (parliamentary groups)," David ...
A total of 48% of voters who said they would vote early in so-called swing states supported Trump, while 47% sided with ...
"The message (to Russian President Vladimir Putin) is that we will continue, that we will do what's necessary to make sure ...
The Western countries are growing tired of their support of Ukraine, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen warned, calling ...
Ukrainian forces downed 12 out of 17 Shahed-type drones launched by Russia overnight, the Air Force reported. Seven S-300/400 ...
Hundreds of Ukrainian schools, businesses, embassies, administrative buildings, and media outlets, including the Kyiv ...
Budapest and Russia's state-owned gas company Gazprom are in talks on additional purchases of gas next year, Hungarian ...
Ukraine's presidential adviser Dmytro Lytvyn's reaction came after almost a week of silence after Ukrainska Pravda claimed ...
"With the start of the 'heating season,' we can expect massive Russian strikes on the energy sector," said Oleksandr ...
The statement comes after an article by the French outlet Le Monde claimed that Tuareg fighters from the anti-government CSP ...
The two MiG-31K jets landed in Belarus on Oct. 9 and 10, a year and a half after their last appearance in Belarus.