How would you describe Guangzhou? A gourmet paradise? A fashion metropolis? Or an auto hub? Well, apart from all the above, there’s actually a lesser-known title of Guangzhou, which is “UN-endorsed”: ...
From September 25 to 29, the Third China (Macao) International High-Quality Consumption Expo and Hengqin World Bay Area Forum, co-hosted by Nanguang Group, the Ministry of Commerce's Bureau of Foreign ...
“Openness and sharing are the driving forces for the continued development of the cross-border e-commerce industry. I advocate for strengthening economic and trade cooperation with countries involved ...
The Third (Macao) China International High-Quality Consumption Exhibition officially opened in Macao. This year, the expo has attracted thousands of global buyers. What are they looking for? What do ...
中金公司最年轻的管委会成员诞生了。 根据中金公司9月26日晚间公告,董事会同意聘任梁东擎女士为公司管理委员会成员,自董事会审议批准之日起生效。 这意味着,梁东擎自9月26日起正式成为中金公司管委会成员。 根据Wind,中金公司管委会成员共有六位 ...
(原标题:美股三大指数集体高开 热门中概股继续走强) 证券时报e公司讯,美股三大指数集体高开,道指涨0.25%,纳指涨0.21% ...
回顾本周,大盘迎来全面反弹,截至今日收盘,深成指上涨6.71%,本周上涨17.83%。其中,也有不少牛股诞生,下表为本周深市 ...
本周,上证指数表现强势,指数的周涨幅达到12.81%。由于大盘整体表现的强势,在本周也涌现出了不少的牛股,下表是本周沪市涨幅的排名情况。 从上表可以看出,亚泰集团、恒银科技、秦川物联分列涨幅榜前三位,前十名个股的周涨幅则是都大于40%,值得一提 ...
证券时报e公司讯,9月25—26日,阿根廷零售市场领军企业代表团访问美的集团总部,共同探讨市场拓展、品牌建设、可持续发展、智能制造、产品创新等关键议题。作为拉美第二大市场,阿根廷拥有庞大的消费群体和对高品质家电的强烈需求。随着阿根廷政府 ...
(原标题:一周活跃股排行榜:54只股换手率超100%) 沪指本周上涨12.81%,其中,54股成交活跃,周换手率超过100%。 证券时报 ...
(原标题:远东股份:多款明星产品亮相英国,未来增长潜力高居行业第二位) 9月24日至26日,远东电池亮相英国伯明翰太阳能光伏展。此次展会汇集了全球领先的光伏和储能技术供应商,展示了最前沿的产品和解决方案。远东电池携户用储能、工商业储能 ...
On September 27, the 3rd China (Macao) High-quality Consumption Exhibition & Hengqin Global Bay Areas Forum with Cultural and Tourism Theme Forum was held in Macao, with the theme of "Cultural and ...