透過自訂車輛登記號碼計劃,你可向運輸署申請喜歡的自訂車輛登記號碼。如申請獲得批准,你可在拍賣會上競投該號碼。 (1)網上查詢 你可網上查詢擬申請的自訂車輛登記號碼能否使用,並查核該組合是否符合基本組合規定。 若擬申請的自訂車輛登記號碼能 ...
你現在能夠在網上查詢可使用的傳統車輛登記號碼,並快捷地預留傳統車輛登記號碼以待拍賣。本文介紹有關服務的詳情,包括適用人士和出席拍賣前的準備。 網上查詢及預留 透過互聯網,你能夠方便地查詢可使用的傳統車輛登記號碼,並申請預留以待拍賣。
(2) meet the basic combination requirements. A printer to print out a hard copy of the acknowledgement page, or a storage device to save your application details. (Note: If you do not have both, ...
康樂及文化事務署(康文署)致力推廣表演藝術,主辦及贊助音樂、舞蹈、戲劇、中國戲曲、跨媒體藝術和藝術節節目等各類演藝節目。這些精彩節目由本港及外地表演者呈獻,風格多元,傳統與前衛兼備,令人目不暇給。 粵劇 粵劇是廣東文化的重要部分 ...
Before leaving home you should learn about the points to note and the means of communicating in the countryside, so that you can stay in touch and enjoy the natural beauty without any worries. Always ...
前往郊外前,应认识在郊外可使用的各种通讯方法及善用通讯设备,就可以无忧无虑,尽享郊游之乐。应该结伴同行,避免单独远足;同时要确保远足时可与外界联络。在出发前,你须为流动电话及手提无线电对讲机充电,并携带足够的备用电池。若结队远足 ...
Buying a home is a big decision for many people. Doing more preparation will definitely pay off in the long run. This article provides you with handy information and tips. Looking for a Flat You can ...
You can now notify the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) online about changes in rates and Government rent payer's name or both name and address where there is any change in property ownership or ...
当物业业权有变,或因其他原因须更改差饷及/或地租缴纳人的姓名及邮递地址,你可于网上通知差饷物业估价署。这篇文章 ...
什麽是電子差餉地租單服務? 電子差餉地租單服務適用於每年1月初、4月初、7月初及10月初前後發出的季度徵收差餉及/或地租通知書,亦適用於連附加費徵收通知書。已登記用戶可以登入差餉物業估價署的電子差餉地租單系統查閱及下載電子差餉地租單。
There are certain things you have to pay attention to when purchasing a first-hand residential property, be it completed or uncompleted. This article will provide some tips for you. Buying First-hand ...
Leasing out a domestic property involves a number of legal procedures and financial arrangements. You need to know your rights and responsibilities as a landlord and pay attention to the following ...