  1. Celtic Britons - Wikipedia

    • The Britons (*Pritanī, Latin: Britanni, Welsh: Brythoniaid), also known as Celtic Britons or Ancient Britons, were the indigenous Celtic people who inhabited Great Britain from at least the British Iron Age until the High Middle Ages, at which point they diverged into the Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons (among others). They spoke Common Brittonic, the ancestor of the mo… 展开


    In Celtic studies, 'Britons' refers to native speakers of the Brittonic languages in the ancient and medieval periods, "from … 展开


    The Britons spoke an Insular Celtic language known as Common Brittonic. Brittonic was spoken throughout the island of Britain (in modern terms, England, Wales, and Scotland). According to early medieval historic… 展开

    Tribal groups

    Celtic Britain was made up of many territories controlled by Brittonic tribes. They are generally believed to have dwelt throughout the whole island of Great Britain, at least as far north as the ClydeForth isthmus. … 展开


    The La Tène style, which covers British Celtic art, was late arriving in Britain, but after 300 BC the Ancient British seem to have had generally similar cultural practices to the Celtic cultures nearest to them on the continent. There … 展开


    There are competing hypotheses for when Celtic peoples, and the Celtic languages, first arrived in Britain, none of which have gained consensus. The traditional view during most of the twentieth century was that Celtic cultur… 展开


    Schiffels et al. (2016) examined the remains of three Iron Age Britons buried ca. 100 BC. A female buried in Linton, Cambridgeshire carried the maternal haplogroup H1e, while two males buried in Hinxton both … 展开

  1. Indigenous Celtic people

    The Britons (* Pritanī, Latin: Britanni, Welsh: Brythoniaid), also known as Celtic Britons[1] or Ancient Britons, were the indigenous Celtic people [2] who inhabited Great Britain from at least the...
  2. BBC - History - Ancient History in depth: Peoples of Britain

  3. First Britons - Natural History Museum

  4. Briton: Indigenous Celtic Peoples of Ancient Great Britain

  5. Ancient History in depth: Native Tribes of Britain - BBC

    After the emperor Claudius invaded southern England in AD 43, one of the main leaders of the Britons, called Caratacus escaped to the Ordovices and the Silures. They were stirred into rebellion...

  6. 不列颠人 - 百度百科

    不列颠人(Briton):6世纪以前居住在不列颠群岛的凯尔特民族。 关于凯尔特人最初移徙到不列颠诸岛的具体年代,存异议。 一种看法主张,首批凯尔特人约于公元前8世纪至前5世纪之间由莱茵河下游和塞纳河流域分批迁入不列颠定居。

  7. Ancient Britain - World History Encyclopedia

    2023年6月27日 · Learn about the history of Britain from prehistoric times to the Roman conquest, including the migrations, cultures, and monuments of the ancient Britons. …

  8. Briton | Celtic Culture, Roman Invasion & Anglo-Saxon Settlement ...

  9. Celtic Britons - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …

    The Britons (also called Brythons) were the people who spoke a Celtic language known as Common Brittonic. They lived in Great Britain during the Iron Age, Roman Britain and the Sub-Roman period following the Romans' departure …

  10. United Kingdom - Ancient History, Celts, …

    2 天之前 · United Kingdom - Ancient History, Celts, Romans: Archaeologists working in Norfolk in the early 21st century discovered stone tools that suggest the presence of humans …